Richie Kotzen RK5 Signature Fly Rig Guitar Pedal By Tech 21

Richie Kotzen RK5 Signature Fly Rig

Pedal Manufacturer

Tech 21


The Tech 21 Richie Kotzen RK5 Signature Fly Rig v2 is a multi-effects pedalboard designed in close collaboration with Richie Kotzen, offering a comprehensive range of features tailored to his playing style. The pedal features an analog SansAmp section for amp emulation, providing warmth and dimension expected from a vintage tube amp. The Boost section offers an independent 12dB clean boost for saturated overdrive, while the Comp switch engages an old-school FET-based compressor for subtle smoothing or all-out squash.

The OMG overdrive section, based on Richie's signature pedal, delivers a wide range of overdrive from clean to aggressive, with the addition of a Fuzz button for a thick, wooly fuzz-style tone. The RK5 v2 also includes an independent reverb with a choice of room size, a rotary speaker mode, compression, and a tuner. The delay section offers vintage tape echo and roto effects, with a dedicated tap tempo switch for easy adjustment on the fly.

The pedal is equipped with a 1/4" instrument input, 1/4" main output, and an XLR balanced output. It features buffered bypass switching, a chromatic tuner, and operates on a 9V DC 200mA power supply (included). The all-analog signal path ensures high-quality sound and smooth response to playing dynamics. The pedal's compact design makes it a convenient all-in-one solution for guitarists, capable of replacing an entire pedalboard.

The RK5 v2 measures 12.5" L x 2.5" W x 1.25" H and weighs 20.7 oz. It is housed in a rugged, all-metal casing with metal footswitches and jacks, ensuring durability for stage use. The pedal also includes a silent-switching feature for seamless operation during performances.

The Tech 21 Richie Kotzen RK5 Signature Fly Rig v2 is a versatile and comprehensive multi-effects pedalboard, offering a wide range of tones and effects in a compact and robust package.

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